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A member registered Nov 23, 2020

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Make an Update of Horror Game Walkthrough like Baldi

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FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F you

I am no longer going to be in this BBRMS comments anymore. Because I was being drama player because I was like this to diggaz for agueing, hateful, toxic hater guy. Because I hated diggaz so much because he's annoying asking for a new stuff. And I have some heartbreaking because I am now a toxic hater guy. And Paulor94, if you are seeing and reading this, I am no longer going to be on BBRMS comments anymore. Because I am no longer going to be here anymore. Because I am going to do BB + instead. And also, I can't deal with the racist spammer Anymore. Anyways, I am leaving now. Thank you for everything about me. Good bye. I will miss you so much everyone.

Hey Paulor94, as you may know, MiniToon Is Making Piggy Book 2 Chapter 5. So get Prepared to be ready for the Chapter 5!



Funny Joke

"Sigh" Okay then.

(1 edit)

I don't wanna be Toxic Hater guy!

(1 edit)

You are the Guy Who Makes BBCCS! Don't Make Me Spam! And hopefully Paulor94 is going to add Pepper Spray.



STOP CALLING ME BLIND!!!! YOU KNOW I AM  NOT BLIND!!!!! And No! He already did Furthur map! So It doesn't mater it's furthur school! So he already did the furthur house! And he is not going to make furthur school because it is only 1 different title school!

But not the Furthur school because he already made the Furthur house map. So do something else for the title of the map. So no furthur school.

He already did the furthur house map already, so do something else.

This is the map that I just created in 2 weeks ago, Paulor94. So, this is the Endless Mode Map 2. And I know it has 7 notebooks. And 1 new item is called, Pepper Spray. You pepper spray the killable character. That's all.

I feel So much better now!

I feel sick. I got the Covid.

Not Anymore, it is now 18.

Yeah I know

Oh and Paulor94. Can you give me a link for this Baldi Map looks like that I can make?


But that is not true. I see 2 exit hallway. KayipKux  Map Is Looking Wrong.


I always Download BBRMS in (Only for .zip)

I don't think that is the good map because I see 2 exit on Horozental, it is only 1 each exit area. And no, Endless mode map only has 7 notebooks for random and medium. I don't think Paulor94 is going to make that.

Welp, I will give you a Endless Mode map 2 idea later.

You met the Beepster and Flandre Scarlet Right?

No No  No. I met for the  Airplane Ticket for California.

Happy 18th Birthday Paulor94!

The dog breaks your both leg bone when you move. Doggos was come from in Viktor Strobovski.

How a bout you get your own lot's of money that you did your hard word on BBRMS for to go to the California? It has University called, "California State University Channel Island".

Lol, you post so many for the reply

Happy 18th Birthday Paulor94! Wow, you are going to the college!

Oh, you start making a map for earlier like, 6 days or 8 days?

I'm sick and tired of it.